Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Friend for Life

We all know about friendship’s day and we love to celebrate that too.
But who do we call our friends? Are there any specific traits that one should have to be a good friend? Of course yes!
Friend is someone who is available 24/7 when we need.
Friend is someone with whom we share our secrets.
Friend is someone who is a part of our happiness and pain.
We all have such wonderful friends in our life. And I am sure every one of you must have wished them on friendships day. But I am also confident that all of us have forgotten to wish one of our dearest friend. Any guesses???

Mom and Dad- ummmhh…Yeah, they can be friends
Pets- Yes, they are friends too
But still we are missing someone…

C’mon think more…

No, Quit.

Alright, I will reveal the secret. I am talking about none other but your best friend, your 
Mobile Phone.

Hey, don’t be surprised. Don’t you all agree that our Mobile phone is our best friend?
It knows all our secrets.
It is always with us when we need it.
Its camera captures the best of you and always says you are the best.
When we are bored it’s there to entertain us with games, internet and many more.
If we are lost somewhere it helps to find our way.
It’s not even jealous of our other friends and helps us to connect with them too.
If you are hungry it can arrange food for you.
Can sing, dance. Play and even talk to you (remember Talking TOM) and follow your commands too (Siri)
This poor buddy also bears our mood swings. We throw it, break it and keep it off at our convenience but still it never leaves us.
I cannot imagine a day without my phone and so do you readers. I know you all are nodding your heads in agreement.

So, grab your phone and wish now – Happy Friendship’s day (J)                              

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