Loves me or Loves me not
Loves me or loves me
Is a state where our heart says ‘Yes’ he does and our mind says ‘No’
This thought flashes in everyone’s mind when they are in
And one who settles the battle between heart and mind
Gets the love of their life and others keeps on swinging
Loves me or loves me
Today when I thought if my guy “loves me or loves me not”
I recalled the day when I first saw him
He was engrossed in his work and I was sitting behind
I can only see his back and his hand with a black band
I felt it was saying baby
I am the one whom you were searching so long
And I will tie your hand with mine with this band and will
make you my sunshine.
It will sound funny if I say that band connected me to him
But there was something magical in it that drew me to him
14th Feb was the day when he first said hi
And then there was no turning back
And I knew yes he is my guy.
We were so happy as we knew we are soul mates
But Love story without a drama is a complete waste
So here comes the twist and I was rejected by his side
And I got really pissed on him and we both had a fight
He was not ready to take a stand and I was not ready to leave
his hand
And finally that moment came where I thought –“If he really loves me or loves me not”
Battle of mind and heart begun
Thousand thought Vs
thousands feelings
But every time my heart won
You know why?
Because, whenever I was losing
he held my hand close to his heart
I don’t know the end of
this love story, if it would be happy or sad
But what I know is that
still many a times I will give up on him
And will think if “he loves me or loves me not “
And many a times he will
think the same.
But our future will be
decided by who will win this game.
‘Mind’ which is rational and talks about facts
Or ‘Heart’ which is full of hopes even after knowing the facts.
I hope this love story
goes on and on
And every time “he loves me win over he loves me not”
I don’t want any end for
this love story –Be it Happy or sad
I just want to walk with
him through this journey of life by tying my hand with his black band J
Written By :
Anubhuti Srivastava
Anubhuti Srivastava